What will this Super-shift look like? Is the world as we know it coming to an end in 2012, as some say? Or, is 2012 truly the end of an old era and the birthing of a new age. If the latter is true, then how do we prepare for such a magnitude of change?
In one of Larry's angelic visitations, he was shown that 2012 would be a pivotal year, signifying a renaissance of change on a global scale. He was later instructed that it would be a bitter-sweet time that would be both exciting and extremely challenging. After several other visitations, Larry was left with an over-arching reality that although we're standing at the threshold of great tribulations, God is unfailingly redemptive.
According to Larry, therefore, the challenges we face can affect us for either good or bad...depending upon our posture. For example, the great flood in Noah's day produced both a negative and positive impact on that generation. For those outside the ark it was devastating, for those inside the ark it was liberating. Depending on their preparation and posture, one group experienced the best of times; the others experienced the worst of times.